Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Shana's language has been developing very nicely. Here is the list of words she uses in three languages: Japanese, English, and Spanish.

Japanese words she can say are:
atta (found it)
happa (leaf)
nainai (hide or put away)
itai itai (ouch)
pan (bread) - she says panpan instead of pan.
oochi (home)
ocha (tea)
poi (throw away)
kasa (umbrella)
epuron (bib)

English words she can say are:
all done
Einstein (when she wants to watch her Baby Einstein videos)
more (sounds more like "mo")
Ava (a name of her friend at the daycare)
moo (for a caw and yogurt drink)
banana (she cannot quite say banana yet. She says either ba or nana)
nanananana (for no and other times but sometimes no idea why she is saying nananana)
boo (for book)
Elmo (She loves her Elmo books.)
Bye bye (sounds more like "baba")

There is one word that she can say in Spanish. It's agua (water). At the daycare, she goes up to her teacher when she is thirsty and says "More agua" and signs "please". That made us very proud parents. :-)

There could be more Spanish words that she is saying but since neither of us speaks Spanish, it's hard to tell. We asked the teachers at the daycare to speak to her in Spanish.

She can understand Japanese and English very well. She can follow simple directions like go get your bib or pick up your ball and bring it to Mommy. Lately, she likes to put her dirty clothes and other things in her hamper. She says "nainai" and put the stuff in the hamper. She dumped her Mimi Mouse with her dirty clothes the other day. Very cute.